Should I stay or should I go?

Day 110

Invitations are coming at me thick and fast!

I have been invited to spend the day on a Beneteau 31 this coming Saturday on the condition that I listen to a sales pitch
I have been invited to join a few friends from Cruisers Forum on Wednesday to finally put a name to the faces, one is coming from Kuwait for the meet! I have asked for time off in work to go so we will see.

Tia is developing into her own person now, she is talking, walking (just) and generally being spoilt by her aunties and grandparents! She hasnt been well recently, we have had 4 sleepless nights in a row and my sister has just turned up to take her off us for the night 🙂 Bless her

The other invitation I have received needs no answer to the blogs title “Should I stay or should I go?” The boss has invited me to a nice bar/restaurant for a meal. He is paying so I am now getting ready to go! Meal starts in 30 mins 🙂

The final thing I wanted to talk about was my dissertation for Uni. I have landed on my feet on this one. As part of our Coursework, we are given 3 real world companies who are looking for a website, we have to design it for one of them, and then they each select the best design that was created for them and then pay for the design to be created.

For my dissertation, I have to take the winning design and code it into a different language! I also have to try and design it for them myself, so if my style is chosen, I get paid for it, then I get paid for doing the new language, if it is not chosen, then I still get paid for the new language 🙂

The downside is that the site is owned by my tutors friend, so I have to be on my best behaviour lol

You can keep up with my progress on this site

Hope to see you there.

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